Free Windows downloads are there to help anyone download any application available for the operating system. This is to make sure that anyone can download any program they may want to use without having to pay a penny. For most, this is a great way to get access to programs they may be interested in. However, with Windows you have a certain amount of ways that you can do this. If you like the way that the program functions then you can download it from the Microsoft website. However, if you don't, then you can always go online and find free downloads of the application.
There are some programs that are for free while others are not. These aren't always known and how many are available. It depends on the way the application works. Most applications are not downloadable unless they are compatible with Windows. Programs that require a license to run may be downloadable, but they won't work. Many people like to get everything they need for free, but this can also be a mistake. It's best to make sure that any application that you download is compatible with Windows first before downloading any files from the internet.
Another issue with downloading free applications is that they usually take up a lot of space on your computer. When you download an application that has been free, this only increases the size of your computer's hard drive. So if you need more space, then you will be better off buying an application that requires a fee. Although it isn't possible to tell if the download is compatible with the operating system, you can always open the program up and check to see if there are errors or anything that will prevent the program from running. This can also be done by using a 'registry cleaner' which is a program that has been designed to remove any of the unwanted files from the computer.